Wellness Data at Your Fingertips

Discover how iWellness can make a difference for your people.

What We Do


  • Customizable surveys
  • Surveys are quick, simple, and easy
A black and white drawing of a circle with a star in the middle.


  • Real-time data with no lag
  • Comprehensive and clean insights


  • Find key trends within your organization
  • Identify areas of opportunity
A black and white drawing of a strategy with arrows and circles.


  • Utilize the data to create your gameplan
  • Implement targeted support and programs based on data

Why We Do It:

In Schools Today, Students are reporting:

  • 25% feel isolated
  • 40% feel depressed
  • 10% feel anxiety

In Businesses Today, Employees are reporting:

  • Over 40% feeling anxious and stressed
  • 67% of employees feel like their employer should provide wellness support

Schedule a Demo
A laptop computer with a dashboard on the screen.
A laptop computer with a graph on the screen.


Our customizable dashboards make it easy for you to filter through survey results and access the key insights you need in real time.

  • Custom Dashboard Options
  • Access Data in Real Time
  • Allows you to easily monitor and track progress
  • Quickly identify Trends on a Group or Individual Level
Learn More
A black and white silhouette of a quote on a white background.

I feel seen, heard and valued now that my school is using iWellness Center. Knowing my mental wellness is a priority has helped me feel more confident and safe at school.

11th Grade Student

Case Study in a Snapshot

Improvement from Students at a K12 School:

  • Feeling Safe at School: 10% improvement
  • Feeling Happy Nearly Everyday: 10% improvement
  • Feeling connected to others: 11% improvement
  • Feeling a strong sense of self esteem: 10% improvement

Click HERE to read more on this case study.

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